

A key to Zreshicaia’s multiverse.

Copyright © 2021 Brianna Lee Hubler. All rights reserved.

Author Brianna Lee Hubler (A.K.A. Zreshicaia) offers a glimpse into Interrealmeus through Endlesslore. This site showcases a collection of her original flash fiction, short fantasy, and poetry. Content on this site is free to read and enjoy, but never to copy. Longer works by Brianna Lee Hubler are available for purchase through Amazon.

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Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Eleven

Talsis dismounted along a moist, dirt path. The deer-trodden trail passed through an evergreen forest, down the jagged rockface of a ten-foot cliff, and into the soft, white sand of a small, hidden beach. The forest’s last line of defense against the encroaching sea was a row of crooked cedar trees. Their roots fought to…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Ten

Early in the Even’morn, Noveirn knocked on Fruyr’s door. He took a moment to rouse himself from his dreams, and in that moment, the cleaned and altered outfit that the vampires expected him to wear was shoved through a mail slot in the door, which priorly, he had not known was there…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Nine

Theirs was a forbidden love; the melding of magic not meant to mix. Theirs was a farmhouse in a forgotten forest; the canopy that covered their scars. Theirs were the elf-twins, Fruyr and Kimio, who tore their sheltering shade asunder…

“Where’s the rest of it?” asked frustrated readers.

“To continue reading a featured post, select the title,” the author informed.


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