Tale of a Sputtering Spark

By: Brianna Lee Hubler

Copyright © 2022 Brianna Lee Hubler. All rights reserved.

A deceitful act encapsulates,
Taints, represses, and destroys
Innocent eyes and trusting souls
Color drains and greyscale paints
Across the once blissful dreamscape
That encouraged joyous naïveté

A step into the darkness
Guided by the shaking hand
Of a skin-clothed devil
Almost too monstrous to maintain
Its congenial façade
Trips honest feet so they topple and slide
Down the rugged stoneface 
Of cascading sorrow into despair

Cynicism invades the purest of hearts
Once willing to believe
The spark of hope bursts
From human hearts and spreads 
Through the palms of human hands
To cultivate a wonderous world

Another hand then
An unblemished heart
A still-trusting soul
Need kneel upon the crumbling edge
Reach down, grasp onto, and retrieve
The sputtering spark despairing below

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