
By: Brianna Lee Hubler

Copyright © 2022 Brianna Lee Hubler. All rights reserved.

A Brief Introduction to the Arcane Arts

The Elferan Alphabet (A Photo of the Hand-Drawn Original). Copyright © 2022 Brianna Lee Hubler. All rights reserved.

Powerful arcanists and innate casters can cast certain spells with limited or no oral phrasing. For example, elves often use spell triggers, such as hand formations, movements, drawings, or thoughts. Emotion also triggers certain spells, either accidentally or intentionally, so young casters are encouraged to achieve control as swiftly as possible and/or learn personal calming techniques. Experienced arcanists are familiar with the source of their magic, thus they know how to access and channel their magic from its source.

The strength of elaborate spells can be increased by chanting or singing spellscript. Physically exhausting spells, or spells beyond the casters’ current capability, can be channeled through catalysts. Catalysts lessen the draw of magical energy from casters by enacting or retrieving energy contained within the catalyst. Catalysts may or may not be consumed by completed spells. Reciting entire spellscripts is the most effective method of casting, with or without catalysts, but triggers are invaluable in a pinch.

Alchemy uses a combination of reagents and alchemical drawings to achieve a magical outcome, and is considered one of the least physically taxing forms of casting. Nevertheless, alchemists spend years studying, experimenting with, and practicing their craft. Alchemy proves a popular profession and/or hobby of numerous scholars. Herbalism is a form of alchemy, which relies primarily on the conditional and natural effects of reagents and their mixtures. Some herbalists forgo magical alterations to mixtures, others like to sprinkle a little magic into their recipes. Herbalism is popular among healers and physicians.

Since magic can and does act on its own in a variety of ways, understanding the magical properties of the natural world and attuning to the will of magic is beneficial to all arcanists. Beware that, though influenced by the collective will of all magic, magical essences have individual wills of their own, and like all sentient entities, they can be either benevolent or malevolent. Elements can be specifically lenient to certain alignments. To summarize, if you play with fire, you may get burned.



Anmor riman garn vict – Light shield my target.

Belmero zilf elturai estrahsas zelth Rel. – Thunder smack them against the Earth.

Caunzraf zelth ruelkai. – Break the restraints.

Rel emour hemest. – Earth consume her.

Lahswar garn eduumai barden coatha naz fyriim Anmor enveth kaustraudus garn liolai – May my eyes burn with a fiery light to guide my steps.


Words (General):

ameh – father

hema – mother

inshaudia – assassin

valstrimard – guardian

valstrimardai – guardians


Proper Nouns:


Alshowna – Mind

Anmor – Light

Chaosis – Chaos

Ecliyar – the Crown of Alignment

Fictionide – Fiction

Fierey – Fire

Imashteh – the Scepter of Sentience

Inthrithe – Bond

Legendroe – Legend

Mythrhis – Myth

Norbayah – the Mantle of Form

Ordera – Order

Quera – Water

Rel – Earth

Vaos – Wind

Zalir – Dark


Alshaltekatheer – Intellectual elf

Alshaltekatheermor – Intellectual elves

Anmorkatheer – Light elf

Anmorkatheermor – Light elves

Faomekatheer – Flame elf

Faomekatheermor – Flame elves

Inthritheckatheer – Emotional elf

Inthritheckatheermor – Emotional elves

Katheer – elf

Katheermor – elves

Norbayahkatheer – Mantle of Form elf

Norbayahkatheermor – Mantle of Form elves

Querathoskatheer – Sea elf

Querathoskatheermor – Sea elves

Relaunkatheer – Wood elf

Relaunkatheermor – Wood elves

Thayquakatheer – Ice elf

Thayquakatheermor – Ice elves

Vaoskatheer – Wind elf

Vaoskatheermor – Wind elves

Zalirkatheer – Dark elf

Zalirkatheermor – Dark elves


Anmoradai – the Light Realm

Zaliradai – the Dark Realm

Valentrokadai – the Dragon Realm

(Since it would be lengthy to immediately provide the entire Elferan/Elvish dictionary, I will slowly add to this post as words and/or phrases in the Elvish language are used elsewhere on the Endlesslore Blog or in my novels. Both Elferan and Elvish are proper names for the magical language elves speak and write. After the fall of Elferan civilization, Elvish became the more commonly used name, even though the origin name, Elferan, is the most accurate.)

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