Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Nine

Theirs was a forbidden love; the melding of magic not meant to mix. Theirs was a farmhouse in a forgotten forest; the canopy that covered their scars. Theirs were the elf-twins, Fruyr and Kimio, who tore their sheltering shade asunder…

Caged in Eclipse

The dragons of Vesperus concealed their might. Too often thrill seekers, glory hounds, and treasure hunters paraded into their lairs, wielding steel and stealth. They raided nests, slew brood mothers in their sleep, and emptied hard-earned hoards of all that glittered and shined. They stole away the scales, claws, and teeth of beloved mates, of brood mothers and their protectors, but left the disgraced corpses behind. They speared hatchlings through their shells. They drained yolk from dragon eggs and starved the survivors of their assaults. They pocketed countless vials of yolk for sale, sustenance, and alchemical craft…