Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Ten

Early in the Even’morn, Noveirn knocked on Fruyr’s door. He took a moment to rouse himself from his dreams, and in that moment, the cleaned and altered outfit that the vampires expected him to wear was shoved through a mail slot in the door, which priorly, he had not known was there…

A Hiatus

Enclosed within a small, dark space, twelve-year-old Oaklyn sat uncharacteristically still, and with her knees pressed tightly against her chest. The moon plucked waves from the body of the sea. The waves tossed the boat that rode them. The boat rocked the wooden crate that carried Oaklyn to who-knows-where. Her stomach churned. Designed to transport produce, not people, the rough wood of the crate splintered Oaklyn’s tender, bare feet. Tears streamed down her cheeks when she remembered how her day began…