Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Eleven

Talsis dismounted along a moist, dirt path. The deer-trodden trail passed through an evergreen forest, down the jagged rockface of a ten-foot cliff, and into the soft, white sand of a small, hidden beach. The forest’s last line of defense against the encroaching sea was a row of crooked cedar trees. Their roots fought to sap nutrients from the thin soil that topped the cliff; they competed for space and sustenance. The trees appeared as a row of poorly trained archers, cowering between the parapets of a sylvan fortress. Beneath the forested cliff, loud, violent waves splashed onto the shore, inching closer to the rockface with each pulse…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Ten

Early in the Even’morn, Noveirn knocked on Fruyr’s door. He took a moment to rouse himself from his dreams, and in that moment, the cleaned and altered outfit that the vampires expected him to wear was shoved through a mail slot in the door, which priorly, he had not known was there…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Seven

As the infernal core of a world pulses against the bedrock and warms the sea above it, Kimio felt heated from his heels to his scalp. His empty stomach churned from hunger and wrath, like ocean waves that beat against the hulls of sailing ships. Kimio was angry to be alive and yet deprived. Some time ago, Glaiven revived Kimio with a serum containing powdered unicorn horn, and then left him to rot under the tyranny of his cellmate. Each time the prisoners were fed, the siren snatched Kimio’s portion. Her fattening fishtail had started to look as delectable as it was shiny…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Six

The air thickened with a pleasing aroma, a scent stronger than wildflowers and sweeter than perfume. Fruyr stopped, raised his chin, and sniffed. His eyes watered, and his pulse quickened, but his tongue and throat dried…

Night of the Dark Moon Watching

It was October, the month of the Dark Moon Watching. As usual, Kiben Tel’rim brimmed with excitement. Evil’s favored month fascinated him. It was a chance for something to happen…


By now you have probably noticed not every strand of dialogue is written in Common on this site. There are words and phrases written in Elferan (A.K.A. Elvish) in many of my stories and poems. Elferan is a magical language, spoken by elves, and frequently used to cast spells. Check out this lore post for a brief introduction to spells, and for translations from Elferan to Common.

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter One

Kimio dropped beneath a thorny, overhanging arm of the monstrous blackberry bramble that concealed his and Fruyr’s fort from less inquisitive eyes. The moist residue of a late, spring rain muddied the lining of an abandoned burrow, which served as the fort’s natural entryway. Kimio slid down the burrow, soiling the light-colored linen of his trousers, wearing out the traction on the soles of his sandals, and caking his bare toes in mud. He landed on the muddy floor of the single-chamber fort, with a squirming, squealing piglet tucked under his armpit…

Erring Near the Elder Tree

A young Relaunkatheer leapt from the branch of a tree. Fayren ducked beneath his peer’s descending feet and somersaulted over the roots of the tree. The Relaunkatheer landed and laughed. Fayren stood and inspected his scraped limbs…