Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Five

Glaiven knew the medics would soon patch Uuinora up and discharge her for combat; war waited for no one, neither would Uuinora. Even if Uuinora’s injury was severe enough to plaster her to a hospital bed for a few days or longer, her impatience and impulsiveness would prevail over her stunted prudence. The minute she was certain she could trust her organs to remain tucked behind her stitches, she would suit up and head out. The primal instinct to move once able was embedded in Uuinora’s core, birthed long ago from a deep hatred of being left behind…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Three

Though a gargantuan, silvery moon raised over the blackest, bleakest landscape known to elfkind, its moonbeams scarcely outlined the peaks of mountains and the topmost branches of trees, and they lit nothing beneath the sky. The sunless realm never warmed. Its damp atmosphere smelled stagnant and stale, much like the upper interior of an icy cave, where everything drips, and nothing dries. The moist air encouraged steady growth of mildew and fungi. The debilitating darkness of Zaliradai blinded Kimio, but the senses provided by his pointed ears, delicate nose, and sensitive skin instantly sharpened…