Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter Two

Fruyr descended through the dense, eerie mist that flooded the field beneath the old cabin and the ethereal door. The lake of mist destabilized and displaced the solid earth, which moments ago supported Fruyr’s weight, as he dashed to Kimio’s rescue. Tiny water droplets bespeckled Fruyr’s tan skin, his bright, red-orange hair, and his soiled village clothes. The leathery, gnarled hands that dragged him under, dragged him deeper and deeper into a biting, otherworldly cold, until the droplets crystalized, and the chill crept into Fruyr’s bones…

Sons of a Soul Split: Chapter One

Kimio dropped beneath a thorny, overhanging arm of the monstrous blackberry bramble that concealed his and Fruyr’s fort from less inquisitive eyes. The moist residue of a late, spring rain muddied the lining of an abandoned burrow, which served as the fort’s natural entryway. Kimio slid down the burrow, soiling the light-colored linen of his trousers, wearing out the traction on the soles of his sandals, and caking his bare toes in mud. He landed on the muddy floor of the single-chamber fort, with a squirming, squealing piglet tucked under his armpit…